Monday, November 24, 2008

Upcoming Tierney Sutton Band Performance

This post is courtesy of Mark Law, an SFJB Board Member and Tierney Sutton Band fan.

The Tierney Sutton Band concert is just around the corner and I would like to share with you some background on this group. I first learned of the group when I read a very favorable review of their first disk released in 1998. I purchased the “Introducing Tierney Sutton” disk and confirmed that indeed this was a group to watch. They have now been together 15 years, with 7 disks behind them and another coming out next spring. Up to a couple weeks ago my wife and I had the pleasure of seeing them perform on 5 occasions. Then we went on our first Jazz cruise a couple of weeks ago. Tierney and the band played 4 times on the cruise. Each show was different and great fun. They have received two Grammy nominations to date and are going stronger than ever. This will not be a dull concert. Tierney introduces each song with a brief and often very funny story. You will leave with a big smile on your face.

Each song that they perform they make their own by coming up with unique arrangements that they arrive at as a group, everyone making a contribution. Each member of the band is an amazing artist.

If you want to preview what we have in store for us, go to or your favorite music site and listen to the samples from any of their disks. While you are there take the time to read some of the rave reviews.

Connie and Mark flanking Tierney Sutton with Maucha Adnet

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